Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Time Capsule

Dear Time Capsule Committee,
I hope you truly consider in giving me the honour of placing my items in the time capsule.
Granny’s Jump Rope
I believe that my grandmother’s jump rope should qualify to be placed into the time capsule. It has significance for both me and my grandmother, since she's had it since she was a child. I would really enjoy having this extraordinary and unique item placed for my family’s generations to come.
Grandaddy and Me (Picture)
My grandfather is one of the most amazing men that I have ever met.  He is a remarkable man and I will continue to look up to him just like I always have (physically and metaphorically). Ever since the day I was born, we had a strong connection that could never be replaced. I never want my granddaddy to be forgotten. This picture includes him, me and a bright red tractor. He bought this tractor because when he worked in the field with his father, he built up a love for them; I believe that should be remembered.
Adam Sandler Movies
My favorite actor is Adam Sandler, he is simply hilarious. Every move he makes and words that come out of his mouth simply crack me up. My Uncle Scott (brother of my mother) introduced me to Adam Sandler by getting me to watch a movie with him, ever since I’ve been star struck. My favorite movies are “Mr. Deeds” and “Billy Madison” and I think others should be able to enjoy these films like I did.
Liam Hemsworth (Picture)
Liam Hemsworth is absolutely beautiful and since in 100 years he won’t be alive and will most likely be forgotten, I believe that people should be able to enjoy his beauty in the future. He is an amazing man and I’d like for my family to know that I have good taste and that the people of 2012 weren't entirely disgusting or hard on the eyes. 
Captains Basketball Jersey #23
My basketball jersey means a lot to me. It has my favorite number and the large blue "C”. I love playing basketball, I want everyone to know that and possibly even consider playing themselves. That's if in 100 years they still play sports, since technology is taking over the world.
      Dear people of the future,

      This letter your are reading dates back about one-hundred years.
      My name is Moranda, your ancestor. My parents are Dwayne and Angela, I have a brother, Jesse and a half sister, Anjie. My grandparents on my mother's side are George (Grandaddy) and Heather (Granny). My grandparents on my father's side are Walter (Grampy) and Mildred (Grammy). As for my great grandparents, I only have four left; Julie, Grandaddy's mother; Hayde and Phil, Granny's parents; and Mary, Grampy's mother.
      I am a 15 year old Canadian girl that lives in a tiny village of Blackville, New Brunswick.There isn't much to do in Blackville or it's surrounding area, and since I tend to be a social butterfly I struggle to deal with this small place. We have run down malls, and the best place to be is either the hockey rink or the Studio 5 theater. But then again, most of us struggled for money for gas to get to these places. There isn't much work which sends many people's family's out west until they can afford to come home. "There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see..." as it states in To Kill a Mockingbird by Nelle Harper Lee. 
      Our prime minister of Canada today, Wednesday, December. 5th, 2012 is Stephen Harper. He is most likely the most important man to us Canadians. Also, Osama Bin Laden was killed in my life time, he was a cruel terrorist. In fact, everyone celebrated his death. I'm sure if I began to speak about our technology know it would completely bore you people of 2112.

      Moranda Frenette



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